Sunday, January 5, 2020

Change Is Inevitable Is Passive, Like We Have No Control...

Saying change is inevitable is passive, like we have no control over it. We must embrace change. Change brings a new opportunity for rejuvenation, rebirth, or to even redefine and refocus an organization. Change in an organization can come in the form of procedures, systems, structures, or policies. Once a change has been made, management must focus on the behaviors and the production of its employees. The change must be carried out from CEOs to district managers, to store managers, and even supervisors. A united front will help championing change while stopping any kind of resistance. Roles of Managers A direct reflection of communication and workflow is a result of management. If something is not going correctly, it is because the†¦show more content†¦They are also the advocates of the change. If they show no enthusiasm then the employees will have resistance. The role of the supervisor and intermediate-level manager is to report back to the executives and senior-level mangers. They must report all findings, both good and bad. Each individual employee is responsible for their own personal transition into the new changes. They must also help the organization. If they find problems they must report it to their supervisors. It is up to each employee to be proficient after training and use the change in the daily workplace. Change Agents Regardless of the size of an organization, the change process will require a change agent. According to Lunenburg (2010), a change agent is defined as â€Å"individual or group that undertakes the task of initiating and managing change in an organization.† The two types of change agents is internal and external. The internal change agent means the change comes from within the company. It is carried out by senior leaders and executives. Most organizations will pick a team that will provide knowledge, perspectives, and skills. They will also organize problem-solving procedures while provide training for teams. Once they find the best avenue of approach for the change they then establish it throughout the organization, (Swenson, 2001). One of the best attributes to an internal change agent is that they know the

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